Test Jira and Confluence app migrations to accountID

We are testing the Confluence migration to accountID due to the GDPR regulation.

In this blog post it is suggested the following:

For Confluence Cloud REST API calls, whether you’re making the requests in your app or outside of an app, you will need to add the query parameter privacyMode=true to any request.

Do we need to add the query parameter also for the calls made with the AP.request API?


   AP.require('request', function (request) {
            url: '/rest/api/user?accountId=' + accountId + "&privacyMode=true",
            success: function (responseText) {
                var response = JSON.parse(responseText);
                console.log("avatar URL" + response.profilePicture.path);
            error: function (responseText) {

                console.log("error: " + responseText);
