The date of complete

I use the Trello rest api to retrieve data for a power bi solution. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the date field for when a card is check complete
Otherwise, it is a wish to be able to include the complete date field in the rest-api.


You can determine when a due date was marked complete via a card’s actions.

Specifically, the updateCard action is used to capture this information. For example, I have marked a due date as complete on a card on a public board and so we can retrieve the updateCard actions via the following GET requests:

And we can see in the JSON response below that the old data has dueComplete: false and this update happened on "date": "2020-07-30T13:27:48.027Z":

        "id": "5f22cad4e14c9434ce53df4c",
        "idMemberCreator": "5589c3ea49b40cedc28cf70e",
        "data": {
            "old": {
                "dueComplete": false
            "card": {
                "dueComplete": true,
                "id": "5d67f6251bffb257bf5bf19a",
                "name": "Curls",
                "idShort": 16,
                "shortLink": "nq4LQ8uZ"
            "board": {
                "id": "5b6893f01cb3228998cf629e",
                "name": "Mullets",
                "shortLink": "LmBFwbBK"
            "list": {
                "id": "5d67f6156306aa62dad4a720",
                "name": "All Seasons"
        "type": "updateCard",
        "date": "2020-07-30T13:27:48.027Z",
        "limits": {},
        "memberCreator": {
            "id": "5589c3ea49b40cedc28cf70e",
            "username": "bentleycook",
            "activityBlocked": false,
            "avatarHash": "fc8faaaee46666a4eb8b626c08933e16",
            "avatarUrl": "",
            "fullName": "Bentley Cooks",
            "idMemberReferrer": null,
            "initials": "BC",
            "nonPublic": {},
            "nonPublicAvailable": false