The 'Epic Link' field is returned in the editmeta for issues with type Epic


  1. Create an Epic in Jira Software
  2. Request the issue using /rest/api/2/issue/{issueKey}?expand=editmeta


  • Only the editmeta data for fields which can be edited is returned in the “editmeta.fields” property
    • Fields returned in the editmeta should be editable by the PUT method


  • The “Epic Link” field’s editmeta data is returned in the “editmeta.fields” property
    • Making a PUT request for the Epic Link field always fails with error:
      • Issue ‘{issueKey}’ is an epic and therefore cannot be associated to another epic.

Note: the same applies to the createmeta for issuetype Epic.

I would like the “Epic Link” field to be excluded from the results of the create and edit meta requests.

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