Unable to upload the private app through Atlassian Connect app descriptor

I am getting following error when I am trying to upload my plugin.

The app failed to install. Please try again later or contact the app vendor.

Hi @pushkarpn,

Is the app also listed in the Atlassian Marketplace and have you previously installed the Marketplace version of the app in the tenant you’re seeing this error in?


Yes, this app is listed on Atlassian Marketplace privately. I’ve created this app by myself and i am using ngrok to create my url. Here is my atlassian-connect.json details:

“modules”: {},
“key”: “abc”,
“name”: “abc”,
“description”: “A connect app that does something”,
“vendor”: {
“name”: “abc”,
“url”: “abc.com”
“links”: {
“self”: “*****atlassian-connect.json”
“lifecycle”: {
“installed”: “/installed”,
“uninstalled”: “/uninstalled”
“baseUrl”: “https://7e992009de74.ngrok.io”,
“authentication”: {
“type”: “jwt”
“enableLicensing”: true,
“scopes”: [

Hi @pushkarpn,

It’s difficult to work out what the problem is. Have you checked the description is valid by using the descriptor validator: Connect Validator? You can also try in a different test tenant.


Yes,I’ve checked by using descriptor validator and it says my atlassian-connect.json is fine
and I’ve also tried with differnt test tenant but no luck.

Hi @pushkarpn,

Can you try simplifying the descriptor until it works? Also check the URls by combining them with the baseUrl. Does your installed endpoint get hit? If so, do you return a 200 or 204?


Since you’re using ngrok - make sure you’re getting the request for the descriptor (the self links/self url must point to it) and then the installation hook right after that…

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Hi all,
I am experiencing the same the OP except i am only adding 2 items under the jiraIssueFields element in the app descriptor. Looks as follows:

					"value": "Data"
					"value": "Data"
				"type": "single_select",
				"key": "data-single"
					"value": "Transfer"
					"value": "Transfer"
				"type": "single_select",
				"key": "transfer-single"

Please advise what the issue is on this? I tried removing the above and trying to reinstall the app over the existing one to see if it updates but it gives the same error even with a non-changed app descriptor.
Thank you

FYI in the audit log I also see the below:

Failed to install app plugin.#############.atlassian_connect_prod.json