We recently observed a failed migration on processing response from the following Jira Cloud API endpoint: /rest/atlassian-connect/1/migration/mapping/$transferId/page?namespace=jira/classic:customField
Previously we observed(and expected) only numbers as a keys/values in the items fields, like:
meta: {…},
items: {
“10302” :”10070”,
, where 10302 and 10070 are numerical parts of the custom field Id of format “customfield_10302”/“customfield_10070”
Now we are getting something like:
meta: {…},
items: {
“10302” :”Original Reporter”,
“Original Reporter” :”1070”, // Can’t say for sure now if we are getting non-numeric as a key or as a value
What is the exact contract for items element of the response payload for jira/classic:customField namespace?
Please find the list of related documentation I found, but which is not specific about the contract: