Updated URI for issue type and priority icons in REST API responses

@MikhailBogdanov thanks for this notice. Would you mind helping me with the following questions:

  1. Can you explain what this change looks like for custom issue type icons? Is the URL /images/icons/issuetypes/...?
  2. Does the URL for custom issue types require authentication?

We previously had issues with these icon URLs. The decision was that avatars should be private (refer to post here):

Both project and issue type avatars should be private and we will be rolling out a patch to ensure that’s the case within the next few weeks

Based on this, we introduced a proxy on our end to make sure we add authentication to avatar URL requests. However, your announcement now says:

Those URIs are available for everyone and do not require any authorization.

The current set of disconnected announcements (see another one here on project avatars) makes it difficult to understand what to expect from all these changes.

Could you shed some light on how the referenced announcements fit together? I am looking for the big picture, e.g. which avatar URLs require authentication and which ones do not.
