Updates to jira:customField and jira:issueGlance modules with new Forge UI kit release

Forge UI Kit version 0.7.0 release

:construction: NOTICE - DEPRECATION Earlier versions of Jira issue glance module
All versions of the Jira issue glance module at version 0.6.1 or earlier will be deprecated by 7 December 2020 .
Only versions equal to or later than 0.7.0 will be supported. If your version is not updated, the Jira issue glance module in your Forge apps will not work as expected.

:construction: NOTICE - DEPRECATION CustomFieldView component and CustomField component view property
The following @forge/ui library features are deprecated and have been removed in @forge/ui@0.7.0 :

  • CustomFieldView component
  • CustomField component view property

You need to upgrade all existing installations of your app to place view content as children of the CustomField component before 28 November 2020 ; at which point, apps containing the component may not work as expected.
See CustomField component documentation for an updated example.

:construction: NOTICE - DEPRECATION CustomFieldEdit component onSave property
The following @forge/ui library features are deprecated in @forge/ui@0.7.0 :

  • We’ve renamed the existing CustomFieldEdit onSave property to onSubmit.

This property is a function that transforms the form data to the custom field data shape, and this happens after form submission, but before saving the custom field value.
See CustomFieldEdit reference documentation for details.

:construction: NOTICE - DEPRECATION Access to the field value in Jira custom field module
The previous method of accessing the field value of a custom field in the Jira custom field module is deprecated and will be removed by 7 December 2020 .
The custom field value will be moved from platformContext to extensionContext .

Run npm install @forge/ui@latest on the command line to install the latest version of @forge/ui .