Upgrade task - how import entities?

Hi all!
I have two entities User and Product. I added a third - which connects the first two - UserProduct.

package com.company.upgrade.V1.entity;

import com.company.impl.upgrade.V1.entity.User;
import com.company.impl.upgrade.V1.entity.Product;
import com.company.impl.entity.User;
import com.company.impl.entity.Product;

public interface UserProduct extends Entity {

    User getUser();
    void setUser(User user);

    Product getProduct();
    void setProduct(Product product);

I have dragged entities into the task upgrade folder. Imports to other items were displayed as follows:

import com.company.impl.entity.User;
import com.company.impl.entity.Product;

I want to add one product for all users (a bad example - I know). But I cannot do it because it looks like:

private void setProduct(ActiveObjects ao) {

        Product[] products = ao.find(Product.class, Query.select().where("NAME = ?", "smth"));
        Product product = products[0];
        User[] users= ao.find(User.class);

        for (User user: users) {
            UserProduct userProduct = ao.create(UserProduct.class);
            userProduct .setProduct(product);
            userProduct .setUser(user);

I mean: UserProduct_V1 = {User + Product}
(User and Product without V1)

Should I swap imports like this? :

import com.company.impl.upgrade.V1.entity.User;
import com.company.impl.upgrade.V1.entity.Product;

In the tasks preceding the upgrade, I did not change the imports. Everything works. But there was no need to create linked objects.