User can't access page


I have two different pages that give different view on similar functionality for Jira Software and non Software

    {"condition": "can_use_application", "params": {"applicationKey": "jira-software"}, "invert": true},
    {"or": [{"condition":"has_project_permission", "params": {"permission": "ADMINISTER_PROJECTS"}},
            {"condition": "addon_property_contains_any_user_group",
             "params": {"entity": "addon", "propertyKey": "com.redmoon.subtaskmanager.config", "objectName": "accessToTemplates"}}]

    {"condition": "can_use_application", "params": {"applicationKey": "jira-software"}, "invert": false},
    {"or": [{"condition":"has_project_permission", "params": {"permission": "ADMINISTER_PROJECTS"}},
            {"condition": "addon_property_contains_any_user_group",
             "params": {"entity": "addon", "propertyKey": "com.redmoon.subtaskmanager.config", "objectName": "accessToTemplates"}}]

My problem is that I have a user that is a super admin user but they can’t access either of these pages. I have validated that they have administer project permission (using the permission helper). They have also added the administrator user group to the property (which I have also verified).

Why can’t they see one of the pages? It may just be a coincidence but I have another user on another plugin having similar problems (haven’t been able to verify it yet)


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Anyone have any ideas

Perhaps that user is not a Jira software user and hence the first condition (can_use_application:jira-software) evaluates to false?

Hi @kkercz

There are two different pages one for “jira-software” and one for NOT “jira-software”. The first pages condition inverts the “Jira-software” test and the second doesn’t. So if it fails one page it should pick up the other.


Ah, right. I don’t have any other ideas then, but maybe answering some of these questions could lead to solving this mystery:

  • Does it work for other users?
  • Are those users project admins or do they have the condition granted based on the property?
  • Does it not work on all issues and projects, or just some?
  • Which location is it?

Hi @kkercz

Thanks for that. I haven’t asked if this occurs for are other users at the company, just the one at the moment. I have a screen shot of there user being confirmed as having administer project (from permission helper) so at the very least that should get them in. The pages are in the project add-on section. There are lots of owners of my plugin that have access to these pages and this is the only one I know of that has had this problem.

Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll confirm a few areas that I haven’t got full details on

Thanks for your help

In case anyone else is interested. The is a jira bug ( JRACLOUD-70871) that can stop the add-ons menu showing.