Web resources (JS and CSS) not being added to Confluence macro plugin

I’ve followed the various tutorials for building a Confluence app, and yet my web resources (the JS and CSS files) aren’t being added to my macro. (I don’t see either the js or css file when inspecting the page.)

I have my web resources defined in atlassian-plugin.xml:

<web-resource key="validator-resources" name="validator Web Resources"> 

    <resource type="download" name="validator.css" location="/css/validator.css"/> 
    <resource type="download" name="validator.js" location="/js/validator.js"/> 
    <resource type="download" name="images/" location="/images"/>

I am using the pageBuilderService in my execute method like so:


Here is my source code: https://bitbucket.org/zenahirsch/confluence-validator2/src

Anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong here?

You missed one ‘validator’. Format is groupid.artifactid:resource

I feel like an idiot. Thank you SO much!