What version started mucking with my config files?

Were you using a plugin to maintain the repository names in the config? I’m not sure if the core Stash/Bitbucket product ever did that.

The git config files were changed to make system-wide config changes (like enabling bitmap support) easier. We moved some of the git config properties to a global config file. In the process of moving properties, we commented out unknown properties. We don’t consider the on-disk repository information as API so we didn’t feel the need to announce the changes.

There are two main reasons why we’d prefer people leave the git config files alone:

  1. Several key Bitbucket features, like pull requests and forks, require very specific git config. Editing git config can break those features and/or cause problems with upgrades.

  2. We think we’ve provided all the information you need from our APIs (Java and REST) and don’t think people should need to go to the config for anything.

Is there something that the Bitbucket API isn’t providing you?