Which Authentication I can use for Confluence REST API requests?

As mentioned on (Security for Confluence Cloud apps) following are three different Authentication available for Confluence:

  1. Basic authentication

  2. Atlassian Connect JWT authentication

  3. Atlassian Connect OAuth 2 JWT token exchange

Currently I am using first that is Basic Authentication for REST API requests. Can I use Atlassian Connect JWT authentication and Atlassian Connect OAuth 2 JWT token exchange for REST API request from my app or these two are only for Atlassian Connect app? What is Atlassian Connect App?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @yash_chaudhari,

You may definitely use JWT and OAuth 2 JWT for your apps.

  1. If you’re using Connect you can make use of http library, as such:
    a. via JWT:
app.get('/hello-world', addon.authenticate(), function (req, res) {
  let httpClient = addon.httpClient(req);

      url: '';

b. via OAuth 2

  1. If Spring Boot, then use AtlassianHostRestClients

Anne Calantog

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Hi Anne,

Actually, we are not developing a Confluence Add-on or a Connect App for Atlassian Marketplace.
We are developing an App using Confluence REST API to use the app in our system. We have following queries:

  1. As the application we are developing in not a Confluence Add-on or a Connect App for Atlassian Marketplace, can we use JWT and OAuth 2 JWT authentications in our app?

  2. As we are not developing Add-on, how to get/create “oauthClientId” and “shared secret” as required in “Atlassian Connect OAuth 2 JWT token exchange” for Confluence.

  3. We have created App on Atlassian Developer Portal. After creating app we got “Client ID” and “Secret” can we use these as “oauthClientId” and “shared secret”?
    On Developer Portal we can only find following APIs and Features to add in created app:
    APIs :

    • Jira platform REST API
    • User REST API
    • Stride REST API


    • Authorization code grants
    • Bot user

However, we can’t find “Confluence Platform REST API” to add in created app to use it.

  1. Is there any similar Authentication process like JIRA oAuth available for Confluence?

Could you please help?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi Yash,

I’m in a similar situation though I went down both routes by creating a dev confluence instance so I could play around with the results. I haven’t made any significant progress. Have you found the solution to you’re issue?
