Workflow transitions made by Automation for Jira


When Automation for Jira is triggered to make an update to an issue status (from open to in progress p.e.) apps are going to receive a webhook for the triggered post-function but they will not be able to impersonate and make the request as user on behave of Automation for Jira user.

Is there any workaround for this problem?

Mário Ferreira.

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Hi @MarioFerreira,

It is quite possible that I don’t understand your question, but I’m not sure why your app would want to impersonate the Automation for Jira user. Maybe you can elaborate on the use case and/or problem.


Hi @dmorrow,

We don’t want to impersonate the Automation for Jira user, that’s the issue here, receiving a hook from a user that we can’t impersonate

After a transition is triggered, the user that triggered the post-function is the Automation for Jira and not a common Jira user, that way we can’t make requests as user to retrieve data from the issues, because the user here was Automation for Jira.

Best regards,
Mário Ferreira.

Hello @dmorrow,

Regarding the issue described here by @MarioFerreira. Do you have any news or can you give any additional information about it?

Best Regards,
Paulo Fernandes


Hello @dmorrow

Regarding the issue described here by @MarioFerreira. Do you have any news or can you give any additional information about it?

Best Regards,
Andreia Costa

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Is this bug added somewhere in the Atlassian backlog? Where can we vote for this to be resolved?