14 Days & Counting!

14 Days & Counting!

If you haven’t started your project, NOW IS THE TIME.

I am here to walk you through our submission form process if you need help.)

:woman_technologist:t4: Are you a new participant to Codegeist?
Have no fear… our Resources tab will help you navigate Forge and so much more.

:white_check_mark: Submission checklist

:interrobang: Not sure if your submissions qualifies for Codegeist?
Be sure to read through the rules carefullly.

:vertical_traffic_light: Are you ready to submit?
Before the deadline, complete the entire submission form on Devpost and include your App ID located in the Developer Console.

Submissions are due on or before Monday, October 31 at 5:00pm EDT.

Good Luck!


Hi @LorenaAbello !

To share the source code, can I use my Bitbucket (Data Center) instance, or I need to upload the code to bitbucket.org?

Thanks in advance!

Yes i agree

I just find the solution

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