401 from web trigger when Authorization header is present

I’ve created a web trigger that accepts a Bearer token in the Authorization header per this forum post.

This has previously worked as recently as Tues (4/16/24). However, now I receive a 401 and the web trigger function is not invoked.

For example, I’ve made a very simple web trigger:

export const ping = () => ({ statusCode: 200, body: "PONG" });

defined in the manifest yml etc

    - key: ping
      function: ping-fn
    - key: ping-fn
      handler: index.ping

Sending a request to with no Authorization header returns the expected result.

Sending a request with Authorization=Bearer … returns a 401.

Any advice is appreciated.

It’s working now. There’s been no change on my end

This was most likely related to an issue in Web Triggers capability. It has been corrected and there is a retrospective incident: Atlassian Developer Status - Forge Web Triggers returning 401 responses for Bearer formats