Accessing my remote backend from using baseUrl in UI kit 1

Hello there,

I have a connect app which I am trying to adopt forge on it, inspired by Bringing Forge-Powered Features to Connect Apps.

I created a manifest file and deployed it to my instance. Everything works just fine. I have added some forge jira modules such as jira:customField and jira:issuePanel. I want to fetch and persist some data from my app using these modules. I checked forge remote for the solution. In calling a remote from frontend page, it says a remote endpoint can be defined to communicate the remote backend. However, it uses resources. In UI kit 1, I don’t have resource but functions. So, how can I achieve this instead of fetch api?

Can I use the basUrl in manifest file for the remote endpoint instead of defining it in frontend?

Thanks in advance

Hi @AbdulbakiFurkanTanrv,

We now only document and develop one “UI Kit”, which is what we were calling UI Kit 2 before. It is advisable to upgrade to the latest UI Kit following It is necessary in order to use Forge Remote.

To create a resource using the current version UI Kit, you can refer to



Hi @MinSu ,

Thank you for your response. I will definetely switch to the UI Kit.

kind regards

Hi @MinSu ,

I have a concern about Forge Remote. In the document it says forge supports Express and Spring Boot for forge remote. We don’t use either. We have lamda functions running on AWS. Does it mean we cannot connect forge to our backend with forge remote? We have also REST API but I don’t think it’d be appropriate option.

Thanks in advance!

Support is not limited to those platforms, it just means you’ll need to implement the support yourself; it’s built on top of HTTPS, JWT and JWKS. If you are aiming to integrate existing existing Connect installation data I recommend referring to the source of one of those frameworks to see how that is done (the lifecycles of the installation identifiers vary subtly). There are also generic Forge Remote reference apps.


Hi @jhazelwood ,

I will take a look.

Thank you,