Adding web-item to my new web-panel in Issue view page

I have created a web-panel and it works fine as expected in the view issue page.

  <web-panel name="Test" i18n-name-key="" key="test-plugin" location="atl.jira.view.issue.left.context" weight="300">
    <description key="test-plugin.description">Plugin</description>
    <resource name="view" type="velocity" location="templates/test-web-panel.vm"/>  

My question is how can I add the `...` menu icon as it's show for the attachments web-panel in the right side? I want similar menus for my custom new web panel too.


I could not see your picture, but I can guess your question.
So that ... menu icon is just simply a new web-item which placed at your web-panel's header.

  <web-item key="quick-operation"
            name="Quick Operation"
    <label key="your.operation.label"/>
    <tooltip key="your.operation.label"/>
    <styleClass>aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-more</styleClass>
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Thanks a lot. It was very useful.

I am trying to show a collection of menus items using web-section. But I could not make it work. Below is the code. No icons or menus are shown.

  <web-section name="New Test " key="new-test-case-section"
               location="com.tms-jira-plugin:test-cases/header" weight="1000">
    <description key="new-test-case-panel.description">
      Add new test case
    <label>New Test Case</label>
    <styleClass>aui-icon aui-icon-small aui-iconfont-add-circle</styleClass>

  <web-item key="my_links_link1" section="com.tms-jira-plugin:test-cases/header/new-test-case-section" weight="47">
    <link linkId="gherkin-test">#</link>

  <web-item key="my_links_link2" section="com.tms-jira-plugin:test-cases/header/new-test-case-section"  weight="10">
    <link linkId="manual-test">#</link>

Sorry, if this question is basic. Today is my 3rd day with Jira plugin development.

I solved it by using a web-section at the section com.tms-jira-plugin:test-cases/drop

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Hi PurusothamanRamanuja. I have the same problem. Please, Can you share final web-section and web-item code?