Addon not enabled after upgrade to jira v9.15.0, getting following error

Found the solution. There was an issue of “OfBizConnectionFactory”.

Hello, @riteshshah
Could you please give details, what was the issue of “OfBizConnectionFactory”? How did you fix it exactly?

@senya ,

We were using default constructor of “OfBizConnectionFactory”, which is deprecated in jira v9.15.0. So we have changed our code accordingly.

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Thanks for quick response!

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Hello @riteshshah,
Seems like we are facing the same issue as you described and it’s related to OfBizConnectionFactory. Could you share more details about the fix? Did you find any information about this in the changelog or somewhere?

Hi @PiotrBuczekAppfire

try this solution

//old way that doesn't work in version 9.15
connection = new DefaultOfBizConnectionFactory().getConnection();

//new way that works in version 9.15
connection = DefaultOfBizConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();


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Yes @adam.labus ,

There is one more way by using ComponentAccessor as followed :


Thank you @adam.labus and @riteshshah for the suggested solutions! I tried one of them and seems like the addon is working fine now but we’re still testing. In the meantime, is there any official information about this deprecation maybe? I was trying to find it somewhere but I couldn’t.

Hi @PiotrBuczekAppfire

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen anything like that personally and I think it may not exist :frowning:
