AGC Compatibility for Forge Apps Using Forge Remote (Migrated from Connect App)

Hi there,

I am in the process of migrating my Atlassian Connect app to Forge, following the guide at How to adopt Forge from Connect. Currently, I am using Forge Remote to maintain the functionality of modules from my legacy Connect app.

I understand from the documentation that “AGC currently doesn’t support Forge Remote.” However, I would like to confirm if there is any way to make my Forge app AGC-compatible, especially considering the documentation outlines necessary steps for Connect apps, which my app did not previously handle:

My questions are:

  1. Despite Forge Remote not being directly supported in AGC, is there a way to integrate the above requirements (key server, token, CDN) into my Forge app to achieve AGC compatibility?
  2. If so, please provide detailed guidance or examples on how to accomplish this.
  3. If not, please clearly confirm that using Forge Remote is entirely incompatible with AGC and there are no workarounds.

I appreciate any assistance and clarification from the community.

Thank you


Hi @HungTran,

Thanks for your questions. Forge remote is for making calls to external systems outside of Atlassian from Forge resolvers.

When your Connect service receives the /install payload, it will be able to make calls to the AGC keyserver. If you’re running ACSB or ACE, this will happen automatically for you, and you won’t need to update your code (if you’re running the latest versions).

The Atlassian CDN and auth service will also work from your Connect service.

If you are running 100 % Forge, then you don’t need to use the Connect URLs for keys, impersonation or JavaScript. Forge doesn’t need them as it uses OAuth2 not jwt, has user impersonation built in with asUser() calls and you will be using either UI Kit or React for the front end, not all.js.

I hope this helps.


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Hi @jrichards
Thanks for your explanation.
So if our app uses Forge remote to point to Connect app url, we just need to upgrade the ACE we are using in connect app to the latest version and don’t need to do anything else to be compatible with AGC, right?
