Agent doesn't pass the required inputs

I have a action invocation which requires a few inputs and I have declared those inputs as required still there are times that the agent doesn’t pass those inputs. What could be the reason and is there any way to fix this?

- key: create-confluence-page
  name: Create a Confluence Page
  function: createConfluencePage
  description: Creates a Confluence page in the specified space with a provided title and content body.
      title: Space Name Key
      type: string
      description: The space name key of the confluence where the page needs to be created
      required: true
      title: Page Title
      type: string
      description: The title of the page being created.
      required: true
      title: Page Body
      type: string
      description: The main content of the page being created, formatted for Confluence.
      required: true
  actionVerb: GET

Prompt how the action is invoked:

Use the “create-confluence-page” action to create the confluence page

Hi @Nikhil ,

I’ve experienced this at times also. I think Rovo is unable to match its context to the inputs and therefore can’t invoke the action since the inputs are marked as required.

Some general tactics to increase the reliability of actions being called are as follows:

  1. Ensure the titles and descriptions match closely to what is in the prompt text and Rovo’s context. Perhaps it’s a bit like SEO.
  2. Make sure the inputs are as simple as possible for Rovo to deduce.
  3. If possible, mark inputs as not being required.

You may like to try the following:

  • Instead of “Space name key”, try “Space key” because the “name” part might be causing Rovo to be confused between space names and space keys.
  • See if removing the “, formatted for Confluence” from the “Page Body” input has an effect. I suspect Rovo is unsure what “formatted for Confluence” means.
  • Fix the grammatical error in the “Space Name Key”. i.e. “…of the confluence where…” doesn’t make sense.


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