Allowlist not working

I’m testing a dummy project, to see if I understand how actions should work in Confluence 9.2.0. Here is part of my atlassian-plugin.xml file:

<web-item key="google_home" name="Google Home" section="system.header/left" weight="60">
        <description key="">Simple link to</description>
        <label key="" />
        <link linkId="google_home">/dummy.action</link>

    <xwork key="viewCloverResult" name="View Clover Result">
        <package name="cloverPlugin" extends="default">
            <action name="dummy" class="com.dummy.test.action.DummyAction">
                <result name="notpermitted" type="redirect">/pages/pagenotpermitted.action</result>

    <velocity-allowlist key="velocity-allowlist">

And the dummy action class:

public class DummyAction extends ConfluenceActionSupport {

    public String dummy() {
        return SUCCESS;


I’m always seeing the Method Not Allowed message. If I change something in the allowlist, for example, dumm instead dummy, it detects the error, but if not everything seems ok but still not working.

Stupid question - you did build and install everything from scratch, right? Because for us, just rebuilding the plugin with (atlas-)package had no effect in that regard…

BTW, do you GET or POST? For GET, you also need to allow said access… for reference, this is how our (working) snippet:

<xwork name="Administrator Actions" key="graphity-admin-actions">
        <description>Allows to configure the plugin</description>
        <package name="graphity-admin" extends="default" namespace="/admin/plugins/graphity">
            <default-interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"/>
            <action name="graphity-admin" class="com.yworks.plugins.confluence.AdminAction">
                <param name="permittedMethods">GET,POST</param>
                <result name="success" type="velocity">/templates/admin.vm</result>

And the allowlist:

    <velocity-allowlist key="velocity-allowlist" name="Velocity Allowlist">
        <description key="com.yworks.plugins.confluence.velocity.allowlist">
            Allowlist for Graphity

Thank you for your answer, Jasmine. I’ve just discovered it by myself, and you are right, I was missing allowing the GET method. In my case, I used annotations:
Anyway, now it is working :slight_smile:

So that we have more information, if a method is not working because it it not allowed in a velocity-allowlist module, the log will show a message like:

2025-02-03 20:07:33,406 WARN [http-nio-8090-exec-7 url: /confluence/admin/plugins/your-plugin/your-action.action; user: admin] [velocity] log Invocation blocked as method is not allowlisted: com.test.your.package.YourAction#yourMethod(java.lang.String)