Hello Team,
We are using Capture for Jira Server.
Below is the call and function how we are using.
function getCurrentUserAuth(server, callBack) {
var URI = server.url + '/rest/auth/latest/session?os_authType=none',
options = {
statusCode: {
// 0: function() {
// /* No-op to ensure correct error message in handleAjaxError */ },
401: function (xhr) {
xhr.errorHandled = true;
eve('settings.warning.message.show', null, T('start.login'));
eve('settings.error.hide.annotations', null, true);
eve('form.buttons.disable', null, true);
404: function (xhr) {
xhr.msgkey = 'error.notfound.jira';
error: function (xhr) {
if (!(xhr.status in options.statusCode)) {
xhr.msgkey = 'error.auth.failed.get';
elem: '#com\\.atlassian\\.bonfire\\.jiras'
restGetRequestToJiraServer(URI, callBack, options);
The above is happening from 10.0.2 onwards. For 10.0.1, it’s working fine. Here is the link related to this.
We need support in 2 things.
As soon as we setup 2 FA, and login, immediately it throws error, but as soon as we refresh it starts working. Don’t know why this is happening.
The below is the image when we try to login for first time, it throws 403 forbidden, but on refresh it starts working. What to do such that as soon as we login, it starts working, so that we don’t have to refresh.
Can anyone help me with alternate API, because there can be many customers who doesn’t want to setup 2FA. So for them which API can help us.