Announcing AMPS 8.1.1

Hi everyone,
AMPS 8.1.1 is now available.
Release Date: Jun 16, 2020.

This release has fixes for the below issues:

  • atlas-remote-test won’t execute

  • Crowd logs multiple FileNotFoundExceptions about missing activation.jar

  • Can’t run wired tests from console
    Users should note that they may see no change, because of how AMPS decides which version of the test runner plugin to use:

    1. If your version overrides specify a version number for the atlassian-plugins-osgi-testrunner-bundle, AMPS will use that version, otherwise

    2. if your project has a dependency upon com.atlassian.plugins:atlassian-plugins-osgi-testrunner, which it very likely does in order to use the AtlassianPluginsTestRunner class, AMPS will use the version of that dependency, otherwise

    3. AMPS 8.1.1 and later will use version 2.0.2, which contains the fixed IT console.

      To be on the safe side, go to the “Manage apps” page at /plugins/servlet/upm, and check which version of the Test Runner app is loaded. If it’s 2.0.1 or older, go through the logic described above to see why 2.0.2 or later is not being used. The most likely outcome is that you will need to bump the dependency listed in item 2, to 2.0.2 or later.

Full details will be found in the Release Notes.

AMPS 8.1.1 is not compatible with the Atlassian Plugin SDK version 6.x and earlier. Please ensure you’re using Atlassian Plugin SDK version 8.x.
To use this version of AMPS with your existing Atlassian plugin SDK, you can add the option -u 8.1.1 to the SDK command.

If you have any questions or comments, add them to this thread :slight_smile:

Kind regards,
Server Platform