version 1.4.2 of atlassian-connect-spring-boot is now available via Maven Central. Following version 1.3.5, released in July 2017, this is the third minor or incremental release this year.
See below an extract from the project changelog.
1.4.2 - 2018-02-20
- ACSPRING-77 Error installing add-on on cloud instance with 2048 bit public key
1.4.0 - 2018-02-05
- ACSPRING-75 Upgrade to nimbus-jose-jwt 4.x
1.3.6 - 2018-01-31
- ACSPRING-65 Improve reporting for start-up failure due to missing AtlassianHostRepository bean
- ACSPRING-66 Miscellaneous archetype improvements
- ACSPRING-68 Improve logging for subsequent installation request
- ACSPRING-73 Asynchronous controller methods return Unauthorized