The Portfolio for Jira team is proud to announce not just one but two APIs for our Server version.
Our new REST and a Java API together solve two of our most voted and watched issues: JPOSERVER-438 and JPOSERVER-1814. (236 votes)
You now have access to all the teams, people, and their skills inside of Portfolio for JIRA.
All through the Portfolio Team Management REST APIs, the Portfolio Live Plans REST APIs or the Portfolio Java API.
Check out the developer blog for more information.
Is there a Maven dependency somewhere with the Java API?
@pvandevoorde How do you use the Teams API to create Person Absence? I just get an error when trying POST :
Furthermore, how do you generate an ID to be used in any of these rest APIs ?
Please help as this has so much promise, but falls short in any guidelines on how to actually use it.
Just adding to this thread this walkthrough which was posted on the Developer Blog a few weeks ago which might be helpful.
@rwhitbeck, thanks for the post link, but this does not address the REST API question I have. While the GET APIs work fine, there are no guidelines on how to use the POST APIs where an ID is a required element to be supplied. Is the error I am getting a result of that, or is there something else I am not doing correctly ?