Announcing the ability to associate global custom fields to team-managed projects, including support for Forge Custom fields

Hi everyone!

We’ve recently announced the ability to add global custom fields to team-managed projects - check out the details of what it looks like and how it works here.

This includes the replacement of the functionality of the “App fields” settings page previously put in place to enable App custom fields for team-managed projects. After the release, all custom fields will be available by default to add to team-managed projects. We will also be sunsetting the “App fields” page after 6 months.

Previously, we were only able to support the Issue Field Connect module, but with this new feature we are able to also support Forge custom field and custom field type modules. We will be updating the documentation on both pages to reflect shortly.

We are currently in Early Access if you would like to have the feature turned on to test. Please fill in this survey to get started.

The targeted release to General Availability is January 2023 - we apologise for any inconvenience caused by the shorter than ideal notice. Please feel free to reach out with any questions and concerns.



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