Any control over Cloud upgrades?

I seem to recall seeing posts referring to user’s being able to control the Cloud upgrades? Like a fast-track, slow-track option.

Am I crazy? Is this only available when opted-in to certain Cloud EAPs? Again, not really sure where or in what context I remember this from.

Google let me down, terribly, due to the terminology also being in Jira proper. Search for “jira cloud fast track” and all you get is an add-on. “jira cloud slow track” and all you get is “why is jira so slow” results. “jira cloud control release schedule” and all you get is info on the Jira Project features around Releases and Versions. It is impossible to find anything relevant.

Hi @DerekWhite,

Jira Cloud and Confluence Cloud each have a Vendor First Release program that you can enrol specific test tenants into in order to get early access to features before they are fully rolled out. The links to these programs are as follows:


I think you’re referring to the Cloud Enterprise Early Access Program, which will offer more control over change management in Cloud