API Authentication

Hi Team,
I am trying to setup jira API calls via Postman but failed at the authorization stage. Are there any guided steps as to how I can accomplish this please?

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Welcome to the Atlassian developer community @PrashneelGounder,

I don’t use Postman, but I do use general HTTP clients like Insomnia and HTTPie. I use basic auth with API Tokens for most of those requests. That would be the easiest way to get started.

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Hi @PrashneelGounder ,

As suggested by Ian, basic auth with an API token is how you would make requests in Postman.

First, generate your API token here: Atlassian account

Then, in Postman, go to the “Authorization” tab of your request. In the “Type” dropdown, select “Basic Auth”. The username is your email address, and the password is the generated API token from before.


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Hi @mventnor
Thanks for the detailed info, I managed to connect now.
However, after reading online I found that query using username via API call has been deprecated, is there any other means of checking if a user exists other than using their Atlassian account id. Atlassian account id is something that is system generated and we do not keep a record of it,

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