API Error: Issue does not exist or you do not have permission to see it

I’m using Postman to perform a GET for some issue values. My request worked for a couple of weeks, and then it just stopped, and I got a 404 Not Found status and the error message listed in the subject of this post. I’m using Basic Authentication with my username and an access token. I’ve tried regenerating the token, but it doesn’t make any difference. It appears that Postman seems to do the base64 encoding. Atlassian Tech Support checked and determined that my permissions are good.

Any suggestions?

Hi @TimothySzczesuil. Welcome to the dev community. Making API calls with basic auth (email as username, API token as password) is working (tested). When you’re logged into that same account on a browser, are you able to make that same API call that you’re trying to call from Postman?

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