App listed in "Apps" menu in new Jira UI

As mentioned in here about new navigation in Jira, how can I get my app listed right within the dropdown options of “Apps” menu?

@anon62119125 - Apps that use a menu item within the Apps submenu will appear there once an admin installs that app in their cloud instance. See example of empty state in the screenshot below.

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Hi @anon62119125,

The Apps menu includes:

  1. Menu items for apps that have already been installed.
  2. Web items corresponding to the extension point.
  3. A link to the app management administration page.

The Atlassian Marketplace provides the only means by which apps can be discovered with an administration view in Jira ( providing Jira specific discovery of apps listed in the Marketplace.


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Thanks @akassab for your reply. The pic you posted is from Confluence, which says that apps are shown by default. However, it says different in Jira (as seen below).


That said, I have installed my app (from the marketplace) in a cloud instance, but I still do not see in the Apps menu. So, I believe, I am missing some entry in connect.json file. BTW, does the state of the license of the app impacts this in any way? can we see apps in trial state in the Apps bar menu?


I am able to get an entry for my project using 2nd point (web item). Is there any thing I need to do to get my app listed as either 1st or 3rd point?

As I mentioned in my previous reply, I am not seeing my app even after installation.

Hi @anon62119125,

Contrary to my previous message, I don’t think Jira nor Confluence list installed apps directly in the apps menu. I think the apps menu just includes:

  1. Web items corresponding to the extension point.
  2. A link to the app management administration page.

An installed app can only affect this menu by contributing web items.

Would you mind sharing what you are attempting to do by getting your app listed in the apps menu?


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@dmorrow, Thanks for the clarification.

I am trying to get my app listed in the dropdown so that users can favorite it, as mentioned in this article. I guess, to make items favorite is beyond developer’s scope.

I guess I will add a menu link for now.

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Hi @anon62119125,

Yes, most end users of Jira may not be aware that some of the functionality of Jira is implemented by apps so menu items relating to apps would likely confuse those users.

Probably the best strategy to ensure your app is highly rated involves ensuring it provides the best experience possible for users.


How can this be achieved in Forge apps? I don’t see webitem modules in documentation for Forge. Thanks!

Forge Custom UI…I don’t see any modules for this in Jira except jira:projectpage which shows on the left hand navigation on not the top apps menu.
