App management not working on 7.15.1 in my local dev instance, velocity security restrictions?

I’m running Confluence Server 7.15.1 in my development instance and just noticed that the Confluence administration operations under the ATLASSIAN MARKETPLACE-header won’t work and I have no clue why. They used to work in older server versions just fine.

“Find new apps” shows this:

“Manage apps” shows this:

“OSGi” shows this:

Have I missed something in release notes or how to fix this?

When eg. refreshing the OSGi-page, log has some issues:

[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2022-01-26 10:52:46,344 WARN [http-nio-1990-exec-1] [atlassian.confluence.cache.TransactionalCacheFactory] logNonTxUsageWarning Update operation performed on transactional cache [HostLicenseCache] outside of a transaction. All updates to this cache should be performed from a thread with a valid transaction context.
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer]  -- referer: http://localhost:1990/confluence/plugins/servlet/upm?source=side_nav_manage_addons | url: /confluence/plugins/servlet/upm/osgi | traceId: 54049bd9ced84b70 | userName: admin
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2022-01-26 10:52:46,345 WARN [http-nio-1990-exec-1] [atlassian.confluence.cache.TransactionalCacheFactory] logNonTxUsageWarning Update operation performed on transactional cache [HostLicenseCache] outside of a transaction. All updates to this cache should be performed from a thread with a valid transaction context.
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer]  -- referer: http://localhost:1990/confluence/plugins/servlet/upm?source=side_nav_manage_addons | url: /confluence/plugins/servlet/upm/osgi | traceId: 54049bd9ced84b70 | userName: admin
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer] 2022-01-26 10:52:46,349 WARN [http-nio-1990-exec-1] [org.apache.velocity] log Cannot retrieve method getText from object of class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1096 due to security restrictions.
[INFO] [talledLocalContainer]  -- referer: http://localhost:1990/confluence/plugins/servlet/upm?source=side_nav_manage_addons | url: /confluence/plugins/servlet/upm/osgi | traceId: 54049bd9ced84b70 | userName: admin

And then it has bunch of those “… security restrictions”… Maybe that’s the reason for this?

Ok, found some sort of solution after creating a empty plugin with atlas.

In the fresh project had bunch of properties like inrospector.restrict…-entries… However, in the generated into Confluence 7.15.1, this section was totally missing. Not a single introspection.restrict.* entry there, so I copied them from the empty plugin into the created by 7.15.1 and now it works.

I wonder what has broken that…