I am trying to do a “connect-to-forge” PoC for my Connect App. I am following guide How to adopt Forge from Connect and stuck on the Part 3. Manifest looks valid but after I ran forge deploy
I receive following errors:
395:2 error invalid value 'jira:serviceDeskPortalRequestCreatePropertyPanels' in connectModules valid-connect-module-required
407:2 error invalid value 'jira:serviceDeskPortalRequestViewDetailsPanels' in connectModules valid-connect-module-required
419:2 error invalid value 'jira:serviceDeskPortalRequestViewPanels' in connectModules valid-connect-module-required
I also checked results with --no-verify flag and here is the error which I encounter:
Error: Deployment failed (requestId: XXX)
No matter what is in mentioned modules every time I receive the same error so I assume it is a problem with the connectModule type itself.
Are Custom Portal panels supported in “connect-to-forge” nowadays?
Best regars,