Assets + Forge : Building apps to supercharge asset management

Hello Fellow Developers! :woman_technologist::man_technologist:

Are you diving into the world of developing apps for Atlassian JSM Assets using Forge? Whether you’re just starting out or looking to enhance your existing skills, we’ve compiled an essential list of resources to guide you through this journey. From official documentation to community-driven insights, these links are your gateway to becoming an Atlassian Forge expert.

  1. Atlassian Forge Official Documentation
  • Forge Documentation: Your first stop for understanding the Forge framework, its capabilities, and how to get started.
  • Forge UI Kit: Dive deep into the UI components available for a seamless user interface design in your apps.
  1. Tutorials and Guides
  • Import Third Party data into Assets: This tutorial describes how to create a Forge app that imports third-party data into Assets. This app allows integrations with third parties by pulling data from external sources during an import. It also contains the triggers that are activated on the deletion, starting, and stopping of an import.
  • Use Async Events API to queue jobs to import objects into Assets: This tutorial describes how to divide your Assets import data into smaller submission chunks to avoid hitting the 55 second invocation limit of Forge. The app you will create as a part of this tutorial uses the Async Events API to queue events that fetch and send data to Assets via the Imports REST API.
  • Building Your First Forge App: A step-by-step guide to creating your first app in Forge.
  1. Sample App
  1. JSM Assets API Reference
  1. Community and Support

Feel free to share additional resources, tips, or ask questions in the comments.

Happy coding and app development!


@DorotheaLinneweber - Product Manager, JSM Assets
@aagrawal2 - Developer Advocate


Here is the YouTube link for the talk on this topic.

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