Async events API: Timeout changed to 25s

Hello Community :wave:t2:

We have bugs in our app caused by the change of the default value for timeout when using the Async events API to 25 seconds.

Had no issues with this part of the code before, and the doc states that the default timeout is 55 seconds.
Are we the only ones seeing this change ?

Is there a way to set the timeout today, not in EAP ?

If you are in the Forge Long Running Compute EAP, you have the option of including an optional timeoutSeconds parameter

Looking forward to hear from the community !

I found this thread: The async event times out after 25 seconds
Is it still true that

If a function is referenced by multiple module types it gets the shortest timeout that applies across them.

@SamSmyth wrote this in November 2024, don’t know if it is still valid.

Hi Fabien, yes that is still accurate.

Best to seperate your functions to retain the current 55 timeout.

Heads up, we will be releasing Long Running Compute in the next few weeks that grants 15min timeouts.


Thank you @Benny !

I would love to get the documentation updated.

About this issue, on our side we had to handle the following:

  • raised bug by client
  • analysis of the logs
  • testing to reproduce the issue
  • digging into the community forum for your post
  • testing the fix

This is all time consuming and could be saved by a more precise and advanced documentation (I know it is not easy).

Please please, put more efforts in documenting Forge. :pleading_face:

Thanks for the feedback.
I will raise it with the appropriate team to improve on this.

@Benny Your colleague Deepak Pandey created a card already:

Thanks, will let my team know about this as well.