Atlas-create-bitbucket-plugin: developer documentation for plugin types?


Is there developer documentation for each of these plugin types from the Bitbucket Atlassian Plugin SDK CLI atlas-create-bitbucket-plugin-module?

  1. Commit Indexer
  2. Keyboard Shortcut
  3. Repository Hook
  4. SCM Request Check
  5. SSH Request Handler
  6. Component Import
  7. Component
  8. Downloadable Plugin Resource
  9. Licensing API Support
  10. Module Type
  11. REST Plugin Module
  12. Servlet Context Listener
  13. Servlet Context Parameter
  14. Servlet Filter
  15. Servlet
  16. Template Context Item
  17. Web Item
  18. Web Panel Renderer
  19. Web Item
  20. Web Panel Renderer
  21. Web Resource
  22. Web Resource Transformer
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