Atlas-run-standalone Jira with software and service desk

Hi team,

Is it possible to use atlas-run-standalone to run Jira with JSD and Software? I know It’s possible to use --bundled-plugins parameter but listing the required addon for those extra applications/products would be pretty difficult. My intention is to run different versions of Jira/JSD/Software quickly.

I’m currently using atlas-run using pom’s applications in my dev machine but I would also like to somehow combine the way you can define the extra applications when running atlas-run-standalone.



Hi @fboucquez,

Sorry for the late response, I want you to know we have created an issue for this feature request.
You can follow the issue here [ATLASSDK-213] - Ecosystem Jira.


Hi @BillyMcCarthy,

Is it possible to have permissions to see and watch the issue? I get “You don’t have access to the issue” error.

Thank you.


Hey @BillyMcCarthy, could you open up the permissions on that issue please?

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@david can you confirm you can now see this issue?

Yes. Thank you.