Atlaskit Editor begin rendering cause error cannot update component in the other component


we are currently trying to use Atlaskit/Editor-core. We have the problem, that the editor rendering cause error react-dom.development.js:88 Warning: Cannot update a component (`WidthEmitter`) while rendering a different component (`Context.Consumer`)

and it makes the image became full-width, which the line-length is undefined.
What’s more, i found the error code

function useCreateWidthCallbacks(_ref) {
  var setContextPanelWidth = _ref.setContextPanelWidth,
      setContainerWidth = _ref.setContainerWidth;
  var contextPanelWidthCallback = React.useCallback((_ref2) => {
    var width = _ref2.width;
    return null;
  }, [setContextPanelWidth]);
  var containerWidthCallback = React.useCallback((_ref3) => {
    var width = _ref3.width;
➡️ ➡️ setContainerWidth(width);
    return null;
  }, [setContainerWidth]);
  return [contextPanelWidthCallback, containerWidthCallback];

Do me a favor, please