@atlaskit/editor-plugin-text-formatting new option +disableStrike

I would like to disable Strikethrough text formatting in my core-editor instance. Could you please add disableStrike option to the TextFormattingOptions interface and add the corresponding initialization code to editor-plugin-text-formatting plugin. :+1:t2:

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Hey @karol.jedryka and @pch

I’m from the editor team at Atlassian :wave:

We have added a disableStrikethrough on the TextFormattingOptions interface as of editor-common 78.16.0. It is available for use with editor-plugin-text-formatting 1.3.0+.

Hope this is helpful!


Thank you @StuartHinchliff

By the way Link and new Smart Links don’t support .pl domains at all - link can’t be saved.
We’ve been looking at the code and you don’t support few other country domains

Support opened a ticket for us:
