Atlaskit for Jira Data Center

I am thinking about making updates to my UI of my Jira Data Center app. As part of that I am thinking if I should update my UI tech stack because it is still using VM files and vanilla JavaScript etc.

Is Atlaskit available for Jira Data Center? And is that a good decision?

What I find by googling is mostly 2 years old content. I know Atlassian is strategically going to cloud, but I expect to have customers using Data Center. Therefor looking for a good step in a more future ready UI architecture and tools.

Atlassian have made things a bit confusing, I am not 100% sure of the definitions of each design system project these days.

If you search around on the community you will find plenty of mixed feedback on ADS/AtlasKit.

ADS ( should be your starting point, these are the best maintained components, stuff outside of ADS in AtlasKit packages is use at your own risk.

ADS works in Data Center, we use a bunch of ADS and AtlasKit components in ScriptRunner DC.

If you’re not in the React world yet with your app, you’ll need to do some initial setup, the most documented path would be using Webpack + atlassian-webresource-webpack-plugin - npm

If you Google a bit, you should find some examples using atlassian-webresource-webpack-plugin

I’m sure others will chime in with thoughts/advice :slight_smile:

Thanks for the post. ADS is used in Data Center so definitely give it a go. Feel free to post any follow up threads and we’ll be watching to reply as needed.