Atlaskit / Wikimarkup Transformer not working properly with code snippest


I am using WikiMarkupTransformer from @atlaskit/editor-wikimarkup-transformer for converting string data into Node Type which actually required for atlaskit core editor.

This WikiMarkupTransformer parse method does not work properly for code snippest , Its convert our some language into default language (JAVA) for more details see attached screenshot.!


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open Example provided in atlaskit from here :

  2. Type {code:C++}{code} in first editor as described in screenshot , see the converted result in second editor, it converts language C++ to Java, there are issues with other languages too.


Hi there,
Thank you very much for the bug report. While we are fixing the C++ bug, could you specify in more detail what other languages are there issues with?

Thank you!

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Hello there,
the issue with {code:C++} has been fixed in the new version of the wiki transformer - 8.2.0. Let us know if you still experience problems