Atlassian-connect add-on caching

Following the getting started tutorial for the Atlassian-connect, I have noticed some caching behaviour.

I have modified it slightly to use the jiraIssueTabPanels instead of generalPages, as my add-on will be served through a tab.

"jiraIssueTabPanels": [
        "url": "/helloworld.html?id={}&name={}&key={issue.key}&project_key={project.key}",
        "weight": 100,
        "name": {
          "value": "Greeting"
        "key": "hello-world-tab"

Once the server is set up and the App has been installed, the server is called only once for each issue. The response is cached and never refreshed. E.g. If I change ‘Hello World’ to ‘Goodbye World’ on the server, this change is never reflected in the issue tabs.

Is this the expected behaviour? How to prevent caching?

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