Atlassian Connect Express: the /enabled webhook is called before jiraIssueFields are created

We have a Jira App on Atlassian Marketplace.
We do some cleanup/sync jobs after each installation. This preparation includes updating some jiraIssueFields defined in the descriptor.
Recently, we have noticed that for about 50% of new installations, the /enabled webhook is called before those issue fields are created. So we get the following error when we call the /rest/api/2/field REST endpoint:

The field with the given key does not exist or does not support options

Is there any way other than polling JIRA’s REST API to receive an update when all fields defined in the descriptor are created?


Hi @FaridKhaheshi we are also facing this same problem. We opened a ticket with Atlassian, they have already replied and said that they were able to reproduce the problem. We are still waiting for more information on when they’re fixing it.

The problem happens like you said, on /enabled webhook, but it also happens if you create the field using this API: /rest/atlassian-connect/1/app/module/dynamic. If you try to search for the created field sometimes it says that it does not exist.

Here a post I also made here on the community:


Hi @FaridKhaheshi , it looks like there was a deployment that caused this issue. We’ve been analyzing it with our engineering teams and we’ll let you know once we have any news.
