Atlassian Connect Webhook - user added or removed to group


we are developing an addon for Confluence Cloud and we need to keep trace of users membership to groups.

We tried registering to all of the webhooks documented here, but none of those are for us.

How can we get notified when a user gets added or removed to/by a group without using admin credentials to scrape users and groups directly from Confluence APIs?

Thank you.



help folks!

Hi @AndreaRinaldi,

We currently don’t have any webhooks that keeps track of group membership.
Do you need this information on a near real time basis? If not, maybe one suggestion would be to create a logic that checks the Get Audit Records API once or twice a day and filters for group membership changes records.


Okay , system program user law.
thanks for responding


Pada tanggal Sen, 27 Jun 2022 22.37, Gabriel Dias via The Atlassian Developer Community <> menulis: