Hi there,
once more struggeling with the AUI, perhaps once more using this elements not in the wright way, anyhow the idea was to use the dialog 2 as kind of modal dialog / lightbox. So on the main page there should be several buttons invoking different dialogs 2 which hosts different stuff eg. adding users to a group aso. Everything resides in a custom confluence server plugin, where i’ve implemetet a custom action rendering stuff.
so far i’ve got 2 different problems:
data-aui-modal=“true” but if the focus is getting lost by an element which resides in the dialog 2, the keyboard is not getting locked - so a “c” leads to creating a new page - not funny!
in one of these dialog 2 i’ve copied the user-search. As soon as i cancel a search or click on the select2 after it was closed the search-field freezes and cant get the focus any more. If i manually click on the body of the dialog 2 the select2 looses the focus and if i once more click on the select2 the search field is once more accessible.
Anyone experienced the same problems? Thinking about switching ui-framework…
Here the velocity-scetch (uncommented the validation stuff, but the effect was the same), the content is added via ajax/js:
<section role="dialog" id="gruppe-members-dlg" class="aui-layer aui-dialog2 aui-dialog2-xlarge" aria-hidden="true" data-aui-modal="true" data-aui-focus-selector="#gruppe-members-dlg-close-button">
<header class="aui-dialog2-header">
<h2 class="aui-dialog2-header-main">Mitglieder der Gruppe <strong><span id="gruppe-members-dlg-header-placeholder01"></span></strong> verwalten</h2>
<div class="aui-dialog2-content">
<span id="gruppe-members-dlg-msg"></span>
<p>Hier können Sie nach Personen suchen und diese zur Gruppe hinzufügen. Bestehende Gruppenmitglieder können aus der Gruppe entfernt werden. Auf Gruppen können später Berechtigungen wie zB.: Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen vergeben werden. Wurde einer Gruppe eine Leseberechtigung vergeben, so haben automatisch aller Mitglieder dieser Gruppe dieselbe Berechtigung.</p>
<form id="edit-group-membership-form" class="aui space-request-form plus-form" action="#" method="GET">
<!-- <input id="gruppe-members-dlg-person-search" name="gruppe-members-dlg-person-search" class="autocomplete-user autocomplete-field text long-field select2-personensuche" data-none-message='Keinen Treffer gefunden' data-dropdown-target="#users-to-add-autocomplete-dd" data-resize-to-input="true" data-autocomplete-user-or-group-bound="true" autocomplete="off" data-cip-id="users-to-add-autocomplete" data-last-search="" required="required" data-aui-validation-required-msg='Geben Sie einen Namen ein.' data-aui-validation-field>
--> <input id="gruppe-members-dlg-person-search" name="gruppe-members-dlg-person-search" class="autocomplete-user autocomplete-field text long-field select2-personensuche" data-none-message='Keinen Treffer gefunden' data-dropdown-target="#users-to-add-autocomplete-dd" data-resize-to-input="true" data-autocomplete-user-or-group-bound="true" autocomplete="off" data-cip-id="users-to-add-autocomplete" data-last-search="">
<button id="gruppe-members-dlg-add-member" class="aui-button" type="submit" aria-controls="bereichsverwalter-hinzufuegen-max3-msg">hinzufügen</button>
<div id="gruppe-members-dlg-table-container"></div>
<footer class="aui-dialog2-footer">
<div class="aui-dialog2-footer-actions">
<button id="gruppe-members-dlg-close-button" class="aui-button aui-button-primary">Schließen</button>
<div class="aui-dialog2-footer-hint">Zurück zur Benutzergruppen-Administration</div>
here is the scetch of the js i’m using in order to copy the search-user functionality:
var avatarWithNameEx = function(opt_data, opt_ignored) {
return '' + aui.avatar.avatar({ size: opt_data.size, avatarImageUrl: opt_data.avatarImageUrl, accessibilityText: opt_data.displayName, title: opt_data.displayName, extraAttributes: { 'data-username': opt_data.userId } }) + soy.$$escapeHtml(opt_data.displayName);
allowClear: true,
maximumSelectionLength: 1,
minimumInputLength: 3,
placeholder: "Person wählen",
ajax: {
url: AJS.contextPath() + "/rest/prototype/1/search/user.json",
dataType: 'json',
quietMillis: 300,
data: _options.personensucheAjaxDataFunction,
results: function(data) {
return {
results: $.map(data.result, function(item) {
return {
id: item.username,
text: item.title,
imgSrc: item.thumbnailLink.href,
entity: item
cache: true
}, // ajax
formatResult: function(result, a, confluenceObj) {
return avatarWithNameEx({
size: "small",
displayName: result.text,
userId: result.id,
avatarImageUrl: result.imgSrc
formatSelection: function(result, a, confluenceObj) {
return avatarWithNameEx({
size: "xsmall",
displayName: result.text,
userId: result.id,
avatarImageUrl: result.imgSrc
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }, // we do not want to escape markup since we are displaying html in results
dropdownCssClass: "users-dropdown",
containerCssClass: "users-autocomplete",
hasAvatar: true
any hints on that?