Bamboo 9.0 (platform release) - EAP coming soon

We’re preparing for our Bamboo Server and Data Center 9.0 platform release, which will bring a number of breaking changes . To make sure our app vendors and customers who have written in-house apps are prepared, we’ll be launching an Early Access Program (EAP) in the coming months. The Bamboo 9.0 release is planned for mid Q3 2022. Watch this page to get notified about the EAP link, once it’s ready.

Summary of changes

Below we’ve summarized the changes we intend to make in Bamboo 9.0, so you can start thinking about how it might impact your apps. Please note that as the development of the release is underway, the specifics of breaking changes will evolve. This is our best estimate of areas with breaking changes at this point. Our Early Access Program release (EAP) will contain the full scope of breaking changes in Bamboo 9.0, along with supporting documentation with more details and specifics.

Changes to what Bamboo supports

PostgreSQL 10 is deprecated as it will be EOL in November 2022.

Embedded Crowd update

We have upgraded Crowd to 5.0.0 with an upgrade task to encrypt directories credentials.

Tomcat upgrade

We have upgraded Tomcat to 9.0.

Log4j upgrade

We are working on upgrading Log4j to 2.

AUI upgrade

We have upgraded AUI to 9.2 and jQuery to 2.2.4.

Platform upgrade

Bamboo 9.0 is based on Atlassian Platform 6.

Change Details
Updated third-party libraries for Atlassian Platform 6.0 compatibility * jdom →
* guava → 31.0.1-jre
* dom4j → 2.1.3
* json → 20220320
* rome → 1.18.0
Updated all the platform components for Atlassian Platform 6.0 compatibility * parent-poms → 6.0.6
* application-links → 9.0.5
* amps → 8.4.2
* atlassian-activeobjects → 4.0.4
* atlassian-annotations → 4.0.0
* atlassian-cache → 6.0.1
* atlassian-core → 8.0.0
* atlassian-event → 5.0.1
* atlassian-failure-cache → 3.0.0
* atlassian-gadgets →8.0.4
* atlassian-healthcheck →7.0.0
* atlassian-httpclient → 3.0.0
* atlassian-oauth → 5.0.2
* atlassian-plugins → 7.0.4
* atlassian-plugins-webfragment → 6.0.0
* atlassian-plugins-webresource → 6.0.3
* atlassian-pretty-urls → 4.0.1
* atlassian-rest → 7.0.1
* atlassian-sal → 5.0.0
* atlassian-scheduler → 4.0.0
* atlassian-soy-templates → 6.0.4
* atlassian-spring-scanner → 3.0.1
* atlassian-template-renderer → 5.0.2
* atlassian-trusted-apps → 6.0.0
* atlassian-vcache → 2.0.0
* beehive → 5.0.0
* caesium → 3.1.2
* io.atlassian.fugue → 5.0.0
* upm-server → 6.0.4

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Will there be breaking changes to Bamboo’s APIs?

At this point—no, however, we are still working on the full scope of breaking changes.

Will there be any restrictions on who has access to the EAP builds of Bamboo 9.0?

No, there will not be any restrictions. The EAP is open to everyone.

Known issues

At this point—none. In case we find any, we’ll communicate the known issues in the Developer Community as early as possible, to give you enough time to schedule changes to your app before the official Bamboo 9.0 release.


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