Beginner Atlassian Developer Tutorial Problem

I am walking through a tutorial for Getting Started with Connect.
On the very last step of the tutorial, I run into a problem where I am unable to access the app I uploaded to my Jira instance. The only error I receive is that something has gone wrong and to contact support.

Every step prior has worked successfully. I am able to access the resources via ngrok-generated URL, and the uploading of the application worked without a hitch. It is only on the viewing part where I run into problems.

Any idea on what I may have done wrong? Thanks in advance!

Hi @DevelopersCookie

Welcome to the community.

In your Connect app descriptor, did you update the baseUrl to the public ngrok url of your tunnel?
If you haven’t can you give that a try, simply update the field in the descriptor and reinstall the app in your Jira instance.

If you did already, do you see any errors in the ngrok tunnel console. You see this when in steps 2 of the tutorial you get your ngrok tunnel address. when requests come in they will be listed there.


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Hi @markrekveld. Thank you for your response.
Yes, I updated the baseUrl in the app descriptor to match the public ngrok URL each time I ran the command to set up the tunnel. As an aside, do I need to restart the underlying http-server process to refresh the server with the new app descriptor information?

As for the ngrok tunnel console, when I access the ngrok public site directly via browser, the GET commands all return 200s (OK), and I am able to access my application. However, when I attempt to access it via my Jira instance, I get no HTTP information on the ngrok console. No 400-type responses, just nothing.

Yeah that is the downside of using ngrok tunnels, but its a doable one.

Just so you know, you don’t need to have a running http server to start the ngrok tunnel, you can start the tunnel and only after you know the public endpoint, do you update the descriptor followed by starting your app.

You can also use a fixed domain ( but it may require a paid account with ngrok, but if you are serious about cloud development then I would advice on getting this. Then you can select an available domain and code this in the descriptor so you don’t need to update it every time.

When you access your app using the tunnel can you verify that the baseUrl is listed correctly in the atlassian-connect.json, in your browser simply open https://ngrok.tunnel.address/atlassian-connect.json this should list the correct baseUrl.
If it doesn’t update the server and restart it (don’t restart ngrok just leave it) and refresh the descriptor to see the update.

If the baseUrl is correct, then I would reinstall the app using the descriptor url so you know what descriptor is loaded.
Then you can check your Jira instance again to see if the app is listed as expected.

During the install flow you should see several requests come to your app!

If you still don’t see any requests, then I would see if you can try another Jira cloud instance, or reach out to Developer support

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I verified that the baseUrl is listed correctly when I access the atlassian-connect.json file through the ngrok public URL. I did a reinstall on my instance, and noted that there was only 1 GET request for said JSON file (200 OK).

Still no luck accessing my application through Jira though. :upside_down_face:

I also have an HTML file in my project space, but there was no GET request for it. Is it expected that during the install flow, I should also see a GET request for this HTML file on the console?

I would expect more requests on the install cycle.

Can you share your descriptor?

The descriptor is the same as the one in the tutorial, with the exception being that the baseUrl is the ngrok public URL, not that placeholder.

    "name": "Hello World",
    "description": "Atlassian Connect App",
    "key": "com.example.myapp",
    "baseUrl": "<ngrok-tunnel-url-here>",
    "vendor": {
        "name": "Example, Inc",
        "url": ""
    "authentication": {
        "type": "none"
    "apiVersion": 1,
    "modules": {
        "generalPages": [
                "url": "/helloworld.html",
                "key": "hello-world",
                "location": "",
                "name": {
                    "value": "Greeting"

Ok without any lifecycle endpoints configured a single request would make sense.

Does the expected “Greeting” link get added to the top nav bar?
Can you click it and see what traffic hits your app?

You can also open the developer console of your browser to see what traffic is send and received after clicking the link.

If you are referring to my Jira instance, yes, the Greeting app gets added to under the “Apps” tab on the top nav bar post-installation.

When checking the browser console, I do receive a multitude of 404s and 409s, but they don’t appear to be associated with accessing my application’s HTML file.

What if you navigate direct to your page using this url: https://<your-site-id><app.key>/<module-key>

Does this open the page?

Unfortunately not. Same issue as always.
Plenty of 404s and 409s as usual.

Then I would advice to open a ticket with Developer support They should be able to checkt he logs of your instance and see what is going on.

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Very well, I shall do so. Thanks for the help!

HI @DevelopersCookie , did you find a solution for this? I’m facing the same problem at the moment.

@JoachimBollen I have yet to receive a response from the ticket I submitted to Developer Support.

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Hello Team,

We have an active Incident at the moment about Connect apps not being enabled. We’re looking into this. We’ll provide update to when we have an update.


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We should have recovered many of the installs that were affected at this point. We continue to monitor the situation so please let us know if you experience anything else. An update will come again at at the scheduled time.

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Hi, I’ve tried running my Connect app again, to no avail. Still having the same blank screen and error message:

Same for me, still not working.

Hey Team,

If you’re using ngrok with a free registered account for the first time please make sure you review this bug report

Specifically, you need to visit the ngrok URL and click the blue Visit Site button.

To get the tunnel started.


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