Best approach to store imgaes for JIRA cloud App

Hi Experts,

I am using Atlassian connect spring boot framework to develop my cloud app. What is the best approach to store image for my cloud app?

Approaches to store images:

  1. Store images in file system
  2. Store image in the database as @Lob format
  3. Any existing Jira cloud APIs to store my image.

Need expert advice for the cloud app?


as you suggest, storing the images on an external file system is a valid option, I would choose S3 bucket in your case. Serializing it into a database will also work, which would make sense in case you want to append some metadata to it and filter by them.

But question is, how the images relate to Jira? If they have a relation to issues, you may add them as attachements to issues via the rest api: In such case you don’t need to worry about any infrastructure around managing files yourself.

Vojtěch Schlemmer [MoroSystems, s.r.o., Czech Republic]

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@VojtechSchlemmer Thank you much for your response.