Bitbucket Cloud API - how to get list and status of "checks passed"

Hello, is there an API endpoint for Bitbucket Cloud that will return the list and the status of all checks attached to a pull request?

For reference, I’m talking about the checks that are listed here in the UI:

Thanks in advance for any pointers.

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:wave: @PaoloAscari and welcome to the Atlassian developer Community.

At this stage, there isn’t an available REST API for that.
This is the corresponding suggestion request: BCLOUD-22014 - REST API for Merge Check Status


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Hello Caterina, and thank you for your prompt reply.

As an alternative, I was, in fact, considering implementing the same logic myself, as the suggestion request mentions, and hopefully you can point me in the right direction.

Our checks are predominantly of 2 types - approvals, and successful builds.

I have already found that the /pullrequests/{id}/statuses endpoint can give me a reliable picture of builds and their statuses.

However, I’m having a hard time working out the logic to verify that the required number and type of approvals are in place. I have looked at the /pullrequests/{id}/activity endpoint, but it’s not entirely clear if and how I can use its output for my purposes: is there some documentation around that, and/or do you have any specific suggestions for what I’m trying to do?

Thanks again so much for your help!