Bitbucket Data Center 9.4 Long Term Support release is here!

Bitbucket Data Center 9.4 is available for upgrade! Get the most out of dozens of handy features, including security monitoring and alerts, multiline comments and suggestions, two-step verification, support for multiple availability zones for Bitbucket Mesh, and more!
Learn more about the new features in the release notes.
Get the latest version.

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Trying to use 9.4.0 in our builds, we get:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.atlassian.maven.plugins:bitbucket-maven-plugin:9.1.4:debug (default-cli) on project parent: Unable to find/resolve artifact.: The following artifacts could not be resolved: (absent): 
Could not find artifact in atlassian-public ( -> [Help 1]

@TomaszPrus can you tell when it’s ready for app developers? Thanks a lot.


Hi @TomaszPrus,

Thank you for the release notice. I am missing the breaking changes notice under “Before you upgrade” in release noes. The warning about breaking changes (which right now is buried in 9.0 release notes) should be visible in the latest release notes for 9.4, and retain it in ongoing release notes. A lot of customers will likely upgrade directly from 8.x to 9.4++ and not go by 9.0 first. Therefore the notice under Before you upgrade in 9.0 release notes is very much relevant and important information to keep visible for a good while in release notes for new versions.


Also, the CAC announcement should include something about the warning. Currently its only mention of Platform 7 is the following

Atlassian Data Center Platform 7: Improves the quality of our response to security changes with reduced disruption and breaking changes for Atlassian Marketplace apps.

This narrative is the opposite of the reality of the upgrade, since I interpret it to say that platform 7 has reduced disruption and breaking changes. I can understand that the intention of Platform 7 is to reduce disruption with de-coupling of dependencies etc. But for this particular upgrade with the introduction of the platform change, Platform 7 is disruptive for Atlassian Marketplace apps. I would change the sentence to this:

Improves the quality of our response to security changes with reduced disruption. Contains breaking changes for Atlassian Marketplace apps.

Hi @MarkusSutterMibexSof,

Thanks for raising this, it’s actually due to a bug in our release process that we are currently working on but for now we have promoted the embedded-elasticsearch-plugin to the maven artifactory manually, so could you please try again and let us know how it goes.

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Thanks @Manish
Just tried and could start Bitbucket 9.4.0 with atlas-debug. :clap:

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Hi Elias,

Thanks for your thoughts. We are definitely conscious this upgrade needs special attention from customers. That warning is included in our upgrade guide for all 9.x releases including 9.4. The release notes link straight to that guide, so for any upgrade information I would expect customers to go there. That warning is then right at the top of that page and is then followed by other warnings to customers to check app compatibility and about testing in a non-prod environment.


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