I need to require all reviewers to approve but I cannot use the global “All reviewers approve” Merge check. Teams need the freedom to handle their own reviews on feature/bug branches.
For certain branches, we have a custom plugin that does many other checks. In preUpdate of RepositoryMergeCheck, I can check if all reviewers approved and return RepositoryHookResult.rejected() but that puts up a warning that says Bitbucket Server could not check this pull request for conflicts.
If I don’t reject it on the page load and leave the Merge button clickable, I will still be able to stop the merge if all conditions aren’t met. I would like to avoid the daily questions about why the merge button is clickable.
Any ideas? Having a branch pattern on “All reviewers approve” would solve this.
Hi Edward
With Scriptrunner you could use a Custom Merge Check, and write a script like this:
def approvedBy = mergeRequest.pullRequest.reviewers.findAll { it.approved }.collect { it.user }
def allReviewersHaveApproved = mergeRequest.pullRequest.reviewers.every { reviewer ->
approvedBy.any { it.id == reviewer.user.id }
if (!allReviewersHaveApproved) {
RepositoryHookResult.rejected("Reject message summary", "Detailed information about merge rejection.")
A custom merge check can be applied on specific projects and/or repositories, but you can filter the branches in the script as well with something like :
if (mergeRequest.pullRequest.toRef.displayId in ['branch1', 'branch3', .. ]) {
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions
We just added a feature to support this use case to our paid plugin (look for “Control Freak” in marketplace).
Here’s a screenshot: